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study in new zealand

Are you planning to study in New Zealand? This country really seems to have it all - world-class universities, high quality of life, diverse communities, vibrant cities, stunning natural scenery and an unbeatable range of outdoor pursuits - and all within a relatively compact area.

Cities such as Auckland and Wellington offer no shortage of cultural activities, while for those with a passion for the great outdoors, the range of terrains to explore is mind-blowing - including glaciers, mountains, rainforest and of course coast.

Types of Institution

Universities in New Zealand

University education was established in New Zealand in 1870 and has a similar tradition to the British university system. There are eight state-funded universities in New Zealand, all of them internationally respected for their academic and research performance. In addition to a centrally co-ordinated system of quality assurance audits at both institution and programme level, each university undertakes internal quality checks. All New Zealand universities offer a broad range of subjects in Arts, Commerce and Science. Each has developed its own specialist subjects such as Medicine, Engineering, Veterinary Science. Computer Studies, Agriculture and Environmental Studies, Sports-Science, Biotechnology, Architecture etc. Bachelor's, Masters and Doctoral degrees are offered by all New Zealand universities. A range of under graduate and postgraduate diplomas is also available, along with honors programmes (usually requiring an additional year of study).

Polytechnics in New Zealand

New Zealand Polytechnics, and Institutes of Technology, are state funded and provide education and training at all levels ranging from introductory studies through to full degree programmes. A few of them offer PG programmes as well. Polytechnics and Institutes of Technology are efficient tertiary providers offering programmes which can be both academically and vocationally focused. Due to their active engagement with industry, employers and government agencies they provide programmes which are of a high academic standard and are relevant to the rapidly changing workforce on a global basis. Polytechnics offer diverse courses like Arts and Design, Travel & Tourism, Hospitality etc.

Private Degree Providers

In 1989, amendments to the Education Act in New Zealand enabled the private tertiary sector to award degrees through the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). The key to the legitimacy of the private degree providers is their relationship with the NZQA which has responsibility for course accreditation. The mission of the private degree providers is to provide a quality service to their students and a range of skills of value in the work environment.

Private Training Providers (PTEs)

Private training establishments are registered and their courses approved by NZQA. Institutions and schools in this sector provide a range of courses including English language, aviation flight training, air traffic control, english, business computing, dance, design and arts, religious studies, travel and tourism and training for the hospitality industry.

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